Sunday, January 2, 2011

New Year, New You!!

Happy New Year!!

I love the start of the New Year as it is such an exciting time, thinking about all of the goals and things we want and are planning and preparing to go after them!

Of course my day started with a great workout! We stayed in and celebrated with movies, games and a family dinner. So i had no problems getting up early to get my day started off in the right direction.

Off to the Y  I went to do the following workout:

warmed up by jogging around the indoor track for 10 mins

Stepmill- level 15 for 10 mins
off stepmill and complete the following:
 squat jumps
clapping pushups
jumping lunge
step ups
mountain climbers
* all for 30 seconds
~recovery, walk around track 1 time

Repeat for a total of 3 sets

cool down, stretch

to time myself i use the gymboss. can be found at
It is so easy to set up and I  do not have to stare at my watch the entire time.

I was a sweaty mess by the end of the workout...LOVED it!

If one of your New Year's resolutions is to become (more) fit and healthy let me know as I would love to help ;o)

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