Wednesday, April 20, 2011

My husband the competitor.....

Meet a charter member of Team Knight....;o)

I want to introduce everyone to the other part of Team Knight Fitness, Ernest,  my husband, and recently turned Men's Physique NPC competitor! This man is the love of my life, devoted  father to our 2 wonderful sons, my best friend and my biggest fan and cheerleader. He never let's me give into my fears and doubts and truly makes me a better person. This weekend I was so proud to be a witness to him achieving a goal of his and being able to be at his side cheering him on. I am so pleased to announce he took home the third place trophy at his very first competition!! We are a true team in every sense of the word, we never let each other down, we pick each other up when needed and always push each other to be our very best and he is definitely my favorite workout partner. I couldn't be where I am without him. I am so proud to be his wife and #1 fan for life....


  1. Wow! Way to go Dee Dee and...Mr. Knight! Super proud to see him catch the 'bug'!

  2. Congrats!!!! That is so awesome!!!!!

